


瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

1. Describe a vehicle / car you would like to buy.

2. Describe a happy event at school.

3. Describe a room you like to stay when you were a child.

4. Describe a piece of useful advice you gave to others.

5. Describe a quiz show in your country.

6. Describe a museum in your country.

7. Describe a successful company you know about.

8. Describe an important photo.

9. Describe something you can do to protect the environment.

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第一部份 日常對話 (6-9個問題)

第二部份 卡片描述(1張卡片,附4個小問題)

第三部份 深入討論 (4-6個問題)


Describe a happy thing
Describe a local tradition

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在以往的雅思口語教學中,第一階段應試策略強調的是針對考官所問題目,使用brain storm的技巧補充細節來延長答案長度。例如:
Question: Could you tell me something about your current accommodation?
Apartment, Location, Size, Bedroom, Living room, Advantage, Disadvantage, Decoration
Answer: Okay. I’m living in an apartment. It’s in downtown area. The apartment is not big. There is a living room and two bedrooms. I like the place because it’s close to my company, however it’d be better if we could get a bigger one.
頭腦風暴(brain storm)的方法要求考生抓住題目中的關鍵詞,並且進行即時的聯想,然後把聯想到的點用有效的英語連接並表達出來。然而此方法要求考生在短時間內沒有任何引導地迅速拓展思路,不僅僅增加考生的壓力,還將有限的腦資源用在無序的拓展思路上而不是使用在組織思路和語言上。同時,由於考生的表達是隨機地將想到的信息點進行組合表達,所以從考官的角度來說,從考生的表達中找不到一條清晰的邏輯思路,間接地給考官的理解增加了壓力。大家可以想一下,在日常生活中和朋友用中文聊天的時候,有時由於說話者 (speaker) 思路不清晰,語言邏輯性不強,表達起來就有點象“流水賬”。這種情況下,聽眾(listener) 在理解的時候就更費力,同時也很難提起興趣。在使用英語進行交流的時候,我們也要註意表達中的邏輯,因為這11-14分鐘的時間不僅是考官與考生的交流過程,也是說話者 (speaker) 和聽眾 (listener) 的交流過程。考官作為一個聽眾,同時又作為一個受自己主觀意識影響的評分者,在語言能力既定的前提下,如果他(她)認為考生的表達更加易懂,那麽自然所給的分數也就會高一些。這就是貫穿本書的一個出發點和原理。
 綜上所述,brain storm不能夠在考試的時候給考生提供結構上的依靠,因為考生只能線性地,也就是“流水賬”式地組織思路。 如果把考生考雅思口語比喻成跳舞的話,brain storm的方法告訴考生的是“你面前有很多步可以走”,而不能告訴考生下一步到底應該走哪一步。本書提供的四步口語法不同於以前口語教材所強調的用線型思維來延長答案,而是給大家立體的思路,教給大家這“四步舞”到底應該怎麽跳,真正在考試的時候幫助考生舞出下一步。

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  • 第一階段問題:
  • Do you often meet new friends?
  • Where do young people meet new friends?
  • Are you a student or are you working now?
  • What’s your opinion about being late?
  • Do you remember your first day at school?
  • What is the most popular kind of sports that Chinese people like?
  • Do you thikn it is important to cultivate children’s interet in sports?
  • What is your favorite type of weather?
  • What effects does weather have on you?
  • What would you do in different weather?
  • Have you ever seeked help from your neighbour?
  • Do you have a neighbour?
  • Do you prefer to have young people as neighbours or elderly people?
  • Do you like travelling?
  • Do you like flowers?
  • Do Chinese people keep flowers?
  • Why did you choose your major?
  • Did your family support you while you have made the choice?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • If you are going to repaint your room, what color would you choose?
  • Do you think that particular kind of color has special meaning?
  • Do you like cooking?
  • Do you think cooking is a necessary skill for people?
  • What kind of natural sound do you like the best?Why?
  • Is there any kind of music that you think is too noisy?
  • Do you like shopping?
  • Where do you buy your clothes?
  • What was your favorite food in your childhood?
  • Has your eating habit changed since your childhood?
  • What is your favorite month in your hometown?
  • Do you like zoos? Why or why not?
  • Why do you think that a city needs a zoo?
  • Is it right for people to put animals in zoos?
  • Do Chinese people enjoy watching movies? What type of movies do they like?
  • Do movies have any educational effects?
  • Are cartoons only suitable for children?
  • Which do you think is better, good stories or good actors and actresses?
  • Do you think contents on TV should be limited?
  • Who cooks the most in your family?
  • Do you think children should learn cooking?
  • Why do you think supermarkets are popular in China?
  • Where do Chinese people get traditional foods?
  • How do you acquire news?
  • How do you think TV news could attract more audience?
  • What kind of music is popular in your country
  • Why do you think people enjoy walking in a garden?
  • Do you usually have a walk to relax yourself?
  • Do you usually use your mobile phone?
  • Are there many sports facilities around your home?
  • Do you think you are a easy-going person?
  • Do you think it would be very easy to break a friendship?
  • Do you think children should learn painting?
  • What can painting bring us?
  • Do you think everyone should learn some form of arts?
  • What is your opinion about dangerous sports?
  • Do you think government should restrict such sports?
  • Should everyone do sports?
  • How can sports help education?
  • 第二階段卡片:
  • Describe a quiz show you are familiar with
  • Describe a place with a lot of noise
  • Describe someone who speaks a foreign language
  • Describe something stupid that you have done in your childhood
  • Describe a hotel you have stayed in
  • Describe a change in your hometown
  • Describe a place where you usually have your dinner/lunch
  • Describe a teacher in your childhood
  • Describe an occasion that you were late for
  • Describe a friend that you have recently made
  • Describe a piece of advertisenmetn that you think is successfull.
  • who will interested this ads?
  • why do u think its successful
  • Describe a sport you would be good at?
  • What sport it is
  • How to learn it
  • What are some difficulties in learning it
  • Describe somethin new you have done using a computer
  • What it is
  • When did you do it
  • Why do you choose to do it on computer
  • Describe something that you have done to protect the environment
  • Describe something that is broken in your home
  • What is broken
  • How to fix it
  • What did you do when it is broken
  • Describe something you celebrate in your country
  • Describe an exercise you recommend for people to keep health
  • Describe a piece of clothes that others have bought for you
  • What it looks like
  • Who bought this for you
  • Why he or she bought it for you
  • Describe a historical event
  • Describe an old man
  • Describe something old that you have kept in your home
  • Describe a school you have went to when you were a child
  • Describe a book in your childhood
  • Describe an interesting subject in your senior high or university
  • Describe a hobby i your childhood
  • Describe a TV program
  • Describe a special meal
  • Describe a family member
  • Describe a presenter of a TV program
  • Describe a postcard
  • Describe a meaningful message
  • Describe a relaxation method
  • Describe a modern building in your hometown
  • Describe a traditional story
  • Describe your favorite shop
  • Describe a toy
  • Describe something made by yourself
  • Describe an artist
  • Describe a public event
  • Decscribe a walk with your friends
  • Describe a school in your childhood
  • Describe someone who has lived with you
  • Describe something that you have bought but seldom used
  • Describe your last weekend
  • Describe a trip you have made with your friend
  • Describe a foreign celebrity
  • Describe an interesting wild animal
  • Describe a TV program you dislike but have to watch
  • Describe a piece of equipment except computer
  • Describe an interesting job
  • Describe a sport that you want to be good at
  • Describe a good thing that can improve your health
  • Describe a pollution in your hometown
  • Describe a change in your hometown
  • Describe a sport that you like
  • Describe a park or a garden
  • Describe your reading habit
  • Describe a family that you would like to spend sometime with
  • Describe your favorite color
  • Describe a handicraft
  • Describe a small town
  • Describe a collection
  • Describe a change in your hometown
  • Describe a city you have been to or have lived in before
  • Describe your first experience to use a computer
  • Describe a unforgetable historical event
  • Describe a piece of news story which makes you happy
  • Describe a practical skill you want to learn
  • 第三階段問題:
  • Do you think people should use baby/infant in advertisement?
  • Do you think the responsibilities held by children and adults are different?
  • Do you think celebrating is important?
  • Are there any differences between how people celebrate festivals today and in the past?
  • What are some festivals that exist both in Chinese and western culture?
  • Do you think celebrating festivals can cost a lot?
  • Are there many people who would like to watch quiz shows?
  • Why do you think some people hate to watch quiz show?
  • Why do you think some people like to watch quiz show?
  • Do you think we would have more quiz shows in the future?
  • Do you still like clothes given by others?
  • How do you usually buy your clothes?
  • Do you think clothes from designer brands have advantages over ordinary clothes?
  • Do you think people would prefer to buy clothes from designer brands more in the futur
  • Do you think government would listen to people?
  • How can a government collect public opinions?
  • Do you prefer a big school or a small school?
  • Do you prefer a class with more people or a class with fewer?
  • Are there any difference bettwen male’s shopping habit and female’s shopping habit?
  • Why do you think it is a little difficult for elderly people to find a job?
  • What are the advantages of elderly population when they look for a job?
  • In your opinion, how can we enrich the elderly’s everyday life?
  • What effects can elderly population have on economy development?
  • Do you think communication skill is important?Why?
  • Do you think everyone can improve their communication skill through training?
  • What are the common ways to communicate to the public?
  • Do you think we receive too much information everyday, more than what we can process?
  • What do you think of advertising? Do yo uthink they often contains false information?
  • Should governemnt regulate advertising?
  • Do you think it is important to have museums?
  • What is the importance of tradition to a country?
  • Is there any tradition that has been kept till now in your country?
  • What are the differences between how people relax in the past and now?
  • People or what age group are more suitable to live in cities?
  • Do you think your city has enough leisure facilities?
  • What are some habits when people shopping for food in your country?
  • Are there any differences between shopping in a supermarket and in a traditional market?
  • What differences do you think there are between how an adult choose a book to read and how a child choose a book?
  • Do you think all children are willing to read?
  • What are the differences in your opinion between reading a real book and reading a book online?
  • What is the function of a zoo?
  • What would a zoo be like in the future?
  • What is your opinion about the influence human beings have brought to wild animals?
  • How would you treat a guest at your home?
  • Does your country welcome foreigners come to visit and why do you think so?
  • What kinds of leisure activities do you have in China?How can foreigners participate in them?
  • Do you think foreigners should know about Chinese culture?
  • How can one become a public figure?
  • Why do you think someone would like to become a public figure?
  • What quality do you think a public figure should have?
  • How do people learn knowledge about keeping a healthy lifestyle?
  • How do schools teach students about how to keep healthy?
  • Nowadays many children are suffering from overweight and why do you think this is happening?
  • What is the difference between lifestyle 20 years earlier and now?
  • What’s the function of P.E. education?
  • What is your opinion about saving money?
  • What do Chinese people usually like to buy?
  • Which one do you think is important, price or quality?
  • What’s your opinion about educational TV program?
  • Do you think there should be more educational TV program in the future?
  • What are some advantages and disadvantages about shopping online?
  • Do you think it is important to save up money?
  • On what occasion would boys like to go shopping?
  • Do you think people live a healthier way of life compared with we did in the past?
  • Do you think teachers should be very strict with students?
  • Do you think teachers nowadays have more work to do compared with teachers in the past?
  • Why do you think some people like to change?
  • Do you think music has been commercialized too much?
  • Why do you think some people would like to become famous singer?
  • Do you think pop singers have been paid too much?
  • In what ways do you think that technology has changed way of teaching?
  • Do you think it is necessary for local people to visit a museum?
  • Do you think it is important to learn international history?
  • Do you think it is difficult to learn history?
  • How do you think museums should be funded?
  • In an international sports event, do you think competition is more important or friendship is?
  • How can we solve the problem of aging poplulation in your opinion?
  • What can you learn from a senior member in your family?
  • Do you think everyone has a hobby?Why?
  • Do you think students have less leisure time compared with adults?
  • Do you think it would be harmful without regular outdoor exercise?
  • Do you think that people at different age level would admire different types of person?
  • Why do you think some people like to write stories?
  • Do you think it is possible to teach someone the skills to write a story
  • Who do you think would like to become presenters?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a presenter?
  • Why do you feel happy when you have purchased what you wanted?
  • What kind of story do children like? Why?
  • Why children like people reading stories for them?
  • What do you think are the different reading habbits  between yong adult like you and old peoplw like me?
  • How to make children love reading?
  • How has technology changed our ways of reading?
  • Do you think there will still be paper-made-books 40 years later or there will be only E-books?
  • Do you think that people want to write a book about themselves? Why?
  • Are there any differences between ancient buildings and modern buildings in your opinin?
  • Are there any differences between modern arts and traditional arts?
  • What is the most popular form of transportation in China?
  • Are there any differences between travelling by private cars and by public transportation?
  • Do you think transportation system in China could be further improved?How?
  • What's difference of the activities did by old generation and youth generation?
  • What's the advantages to have old generation and youth generation living togeter?
  • What could youth generation learn from the old generation ?
  • Do you think TV programmes recently have a change in China?
  • Do you think beautiful apperance is important for one to bcome a TV star?
  • What role do elderly people play in a family?
  • Do you think there is a generation gap while young people are communicating with the elderly?
  • How to become a good communicator?
  • Do you think Chinese like to make things with their own hands?Why or why not?
  • Are there any differences between something that is made by hand and something that is made in a factory?
  • What kinds of TV program do you think are educational?
  • What will TV pprograms be like in the future?
  • Do you think it is right to demolish old buildings in order to build new ones?
  • Do you think appearance of a building is more important than its function?
  • What machines will be like in the future?
  • Do old people like to use electronic machine as much as young people do?
  • What kind of electronic machine do people have in their home?
  • Is it a good thing for people to have a credit card?
  • Do many young people have credit cards in your city?
  • What kind of product can be recycled in China?
  • What are some advantages of recycling used products?
  • Do you think people’s shopping change would be changed in the future?
  • Are there any ways to restrict children’s expense?
  • What kind of things would a family pass on to their next generation?
  • Do you think it is good for people to remember the past?
  • What are some advantages of a family heirloom?
  • Do you think people should have longer leisure time?
  • What type of people working at night?
  • Do you think students are having too many holidays?
  • Are there any differences between Hollywood movies and Chinese movies?
  • What do you think the future of movie industry would be?
  • Is it common to bring something when you visit others? What would you usually bring?
  • Would there be any difference if you visit someone without bringing them any gifts?
  • When you bring a gift to others, usually they would refuse it as a manner of politeness. What do you think of this?
  • What do you usually talk about when you visit others?
  • On what occasions do you think people would like to get together?
  • Do you think population density would affect your life?How?
  • Are there any other events that can attract people except sports event?
  • Do Chinese people usualy go to a concert?
  • What kind of toys do girls usually like to play?
  • What are the popular toys nowadays in china?
  • Do you think it is good for the parents to buy a lot of toys for their kids?
  • Do you think children should be taught to share their toys with other kids?
  • What role do you think writing plays in literacy?
  • Do you think literay is important to people?
  • Are there any differences between a presenter and a reporter?
  • What do you think about shifts work?(day shift or night shift)
  • What’s the positive and negative of shifts work?
  • What do you think is the most popular form of arts in China?
  • Do you have any friend with completely different characters from you?
  • Do you think it is fine to give others money as gift in Chinese culture?
  • Do you think the price of a gift is important?
  • Are there many cultural differences between two cultures?
  • Why do you think many people would like to migrate to another country?

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