
 艾梅特雅思專家-2011 戰勝IELTS 系列講座(四) 


< 講題:如何突破雅思IELTS閱讀?! >  

時間 :2011 年 4 月 23 日(星期六)  pm 1:00~2:00

地點 :科見美語 台北車站前 - 南陽街分校(台北市南陽街13 號7樓)

  本次講座 Lucas 小湯老師將會跟大家一起分享雅思閱讀諸多題型的解題祕訣(如T/F/NG題型等),以及如何提高做題速度的心得。想要瞭解真正科學高效率的IELTS閱讀方法的朋友們,請快預定位置吧!!



4月16日考試回顧 - 持續命中考題!!
Listening 聽力部份:
本次的聽力依然是兩舊兩新,兩個section的舊題分別是Version 06146 section 1和version 08114版本的section 3(同07234版本section 3)。
綜上來看,聽力考試 兩舊兩新的出題 格局應該會繼續下去。
Section 1  關於音響店,男的應聘,女的介紹貨物擺放位置: 
1-3)是店面layout填圖題,填入DVDs, DVD Players, CD Recorders在音像店中的具體位置 
1,DVD Players:註意聽bottom left-handed corner 以及attract passers-by, windows 
2,DVDs:註意聽left還是right,以及middle, bottom right-handed corner 
3,CD Recorders:註意聽top, opposite, behind, stock 
4-6  是填空題,注意是No more than ONE word 
4, 8 CD Recorders are put back into the stock. (一共 11 個, 3 個放在外邊) 
5,Make the store clean 
6,The guy was asked to do some signs 
7-10 是  matching 
   A, Reduce the price for each item 
   B, Discounted price for a certain number of items bought 
   C, Keep the price in the current level 
7,General DVDs: C 
8,Foreign films: B 
9,Classic music: A 
10, Comedy: C 
Section 2    一個導遊組織會員去旅遊
1~6  是配對題,A:會員必須做,B:會員可以選擇做,C:組織者做
1、        take tents: A
2、        book camp: C
3、        take bikes: B
4、        buy train tickets: C
5、        buy football match tickets: B
6、        collect information: C
7~10  是配對題,4個目的地都有景點
8、目的地2:farming museum
9、目的地3:local produced food,
10、目的地4:transport museum
Section 3      SUVs 車,關於這個車的調查研究
21. SUV 廣泛應用於 cities (過去多數用在比如 remote areas)
22.mother seen the suv as:(safe)
23. larger (engine) capacity
24. Drivers prefer the (higher seats)
25. (commercial) purpose   
26. (harmful)
27.(roll over) easily (容易翻車)
28. damaged because of its (weight)
29. used to limited groups e.g.(farmers)
30.raise cost of (insurance)
Section 4: 討論的是兒童肥胖問題,介紹了關於飲食(diet)的研究
35.drink milk
Reading 閱讀部分
Passage 1 說的是一種硬蹄動物  題型有選擇題,配對題和短問答題
Passage 2 講藝術 題型有配對題,判斷題,選擇題
Passage 3 講新能源汽車,題型有list of headings 題,填空題和判斷題
Writing  寫作部分
小作文是兩個bar chart,
第一個是某公司的計劃和實際persentage of service arrive on time from 1999 to 2003。
第二個bar chart是講這些年裏頭的sevice complaints (per thousand)
Every one believe that it is important to protect the environment however seldom do themselves. Why is it important to protect Environment by ourselves?      What action should we do?
2008年9月13日9.13 學術類
Many people believe that it's important to protect the environment but they make no efforts on it. Why is this case? What’s your advice for individual to protect it. 
主觀原因(subjective reason):
個人意識淡薄Subjectively, they might lack the awareness to start saving the planet from every single citizen.
客觀原因(objective reason):
缺乏實際能力知識. Deficient knowledge in environmental management might be a exisiting dilemma that holds back those who are willing to do so.
短期速效(quick fix): 
生活垃圾再造 A few more mintues to recycle your household garbage could be worthwhile.
治標治本(silver bullet): 
學習環保知識 To unroot the problem, however, one needs to grasp more practical knowledge on protecting the eco-system
General Training
Speaking  口說部分
1 a restaurant
2. a job
3. a primary school teacher you knew well 
4. a small company 
5. a new law 
6. a successful AD 
7. a person who likes adventure 
8. a friend you like to travel with
9. a hotel  
1o. a place near water 
11. a valuable thing you bought 
12. a sport outdoors 
13. a gift/ wild animal
14. tv program ( educational ) 
15. life time change in nowadays 
16.   A modern building
17.   A naughty thing
18.   A noisy place/ festival
19.   Equipment (not computer)
20.   Film
21. a piece of clothes others bought for you
22. a hotel you have stayed in
23. a present you have received
24. a project you finished with others
25. a person who speaks a different language
26. a gym
27. a skill you want to learn
28. a foreign dish
29 something you want to save money to buy
30. a successful company
31. some one who is good at cooking
32. a car you want to buy
33. something you have broken at home
34. a place where you usually have your lunch at
35.a piece os interesting news








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