
艾梅特-雅思 IELTS 必備技巧培訓班

 招生中:平日(週一到週四)夜間班-6週密集課程 ; 週六白日班-12週密集課程~

免費試聽會 4/23(六)下午1:00-2:00 @ 台北科見南陽街分校



上週六的考試敲響了4月考試的第一聲鐘聲,小湯老師的預測也保持了以往的精準度,再次命中了本次考試的聽力部份(參加小湯老師課程的同學請將您的預測當中這個section的題目划掉即可)。同時寫作的Task 2也是小湯老師寫作課堂上有專門講過並提供了sample的題目。接下來 ,讓我們一起來回顧一下本次考試的內容:

聽力:兩舊兩新(Version 30080 section 1 和 Version 30086 section 2-預測命中

Section 1 30080 section1

講一個叫 smithers 的男人丟失了 travel bag
2. 14 July問東西丟失的時間,男的說是YESTERDAY,女的說今天是 15 JULY,所以昨天就是 14 JULY 
3. E 女的問男的 WHICH COACH,她舉例說比如 A,B 什麽的,男的答說是 E 
4. two pockets男的說丟了一個包,女的問他STYLE,男的說兩邊各有一個口袋 
5. one leather jacket最先沒反應過來,以為會說什麽顏色,後來念著這個發音,才想起有皮夾克這樣東 西 
6.note book填裏面除了衣服這些東西之外還丟失了什麽,就是NOTE BOOK 
7.280 pounds問丟失的東西總價值多少 the door問包放在哪裏了 
9. Kerke 問男的住址,這是 TOWN 的名字,錄音中會拼出來(拼寫不確定)

Section 2 V30086 Section 2
11.  (在哪裏舉行castle) 舉行時間next week 
12. 距離 7 miles 
13. young people (under 16)不能參加 
14. 有獎品是 sport equipment 
15. 到town hall 報名 
16. 終點 station 
17. 不要忘記帶jacket 
18-20 是賽前建議,選: 
compete with a friend 
time yourself 
run all kinds of path

SECTION 3  (NEW V11129S3)

一個人關於做reflective portfolio文件夾  
27. essay:  選為女生 define a problem (女生花太多時間做research, 導致不夠時間寫)
28. exam: 選gain confidence (女生拿到很高的分數,信心大增)
29. class note:  選體現出女生的 independent learning
30. presentation note: 選 find it difficult (女生發現沒什麽用, presentation的時候都找不到點)
SECTION 4  (NEW V11129S4)
講新西蘭一種鳥 Fairy tern
31. nest建在coastline或next to river
32. 1984年的調查發現這種鳥只剩 3 pairs
33. 很難去正確 estimate 鳥的數量
34. 導致數量減少的人為原因 home 和 farming
35. eggs 被吃了
36. 導致數量減少的自然原因 storm
保護方法: 簡單的就是有用的
37. 怎樣保護  guard
38. fence  
39.  回憶不詳
40. 靠什麽方法來宣傳保護: Media

Part 1 工作和家庭的平衡,後半部分將澳洲的一個調查;Matching人名觀點,TFNG,填空題
Part 2 民間環境氣候動物觀察對科學研究的幫助;Headings, Matching
Part 3 講記憶力的文章,對社會發展的影響;填空題,YNNG,Choices
Task 1  Line Chart 線圖  daily number of visitors entering a museum during winter and summer 
Task 2 Cheap air travel  can be afforded by average people. Some think such development could lead to environmental problem and therefore airfare should be raised to discourage people of flying. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.


1.Describe a piece of advertisement. What is the content of the ads? What kinds of people are in this piece of ads? Why do you like this piece of ads?

2.Describe a friend of yours. When did you meet? How often do you get in touch with each other? what about him or she when you met

3.Describe one thing you did which was good for the environment. How does people’s lifestyle affect the environment?

4. Tell me about a piece of interesting news. How many kinds of newpaper are there in your city? What kinds of news do you find interesting?

5.Describe a successful company

6.Describe a man you visit

7.Describe the most expensive thing you bought

8.Describe a practical study skill

9.A broken thing you used at home

10. Describe the oldest man that you ever seen.

11.Describe a piece of clothing that you get.

12.Describe a piece of new law in your place.

13.Desceibe a tool

14.What kind of cars do you want to buy?

15.Describe a teacher you want to meet when you were a kid

16.Describe a transport tool

17.Family member

18.Describe something healthy you enjoy doing

19.Describe a gift

20.Describe an animal

21.Describe a succesful person 

22. Describe a meeting

Part 3

1.How do people in your country feel about protecting historic buildings?

2.How to defy the word "success"?

3.What is the differences between the original older people and the older people in the future?

4.What kind of advertisements do you think that it is more efficient?

5.Why did the company become succesful?

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